Mocking birds & fog

The view out of our windows is always lovely, but different each day. Today we had a very dense fog that obscured everything baack of the trees. It felt totally isolated and so very peaceful.Even the sounds of traffic were muted. Then came the mockingbirds, we have at least 3 families of mockers and they are very territorial. One in particular patrols his territory constantly. No other birds allowed! He has chased away all our cardinals and blue jays, even the robins are wary of him. I must say though I really loved it when he chased away 6 crows all by himself. Very cool, the crows just could  not push him around. Now the fog is lifting and all goes back to normal my day now begins.


To begin with I’m a wife, mother & grandmom. Retired from teaching and in love with ancient Egypt. Most of the time I’ll just post whatever interests me at that moment, and I rarely have profuond thoughts.  Mostly random  musings and family stuff.