These last few days I have been filled with nausea at our federal officials. Really do they expect ANYONE to take their warning to Russia seriously? First they tie up our troops in a futile, pointless war that is killing our beloved troops( yes I do mean Iraq) then they set up situations that will prod the Russians into action, then we wring our hands about the inevitable. The poor Georgians did not learn a thing from the 1956 Hungerian Revolt, but the Russians did learn from the seperation of Kosovo from Serbia. Oh wait that was different, yes we supported the breakaway Kosovars so it was OK. Now Poland has signed an agreement to host ICBM’s that just happen to be pointed in Russias direction. No at Russia , but at “rogue states’. Hmm, for some reason the Russians told the Poles that this makes them a target, even for nukes. How will we ever recover from the idiocies of this administration? We have record debt ( that is what a deficit means folks), our military stretched too thin, our reputation in shreds, and no coherent explanation for any of this.
But no not fear, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, & Micael Savage tell us that we never had it better and we are just a bunch of ingrates to complain about this regime in Washington. They are the Nixon administration minus the brains!