Last computer I had died in a really weird way. Literally, the lights went on but nobody was home. Just would start and then stop working. None of my computer boffins could figure it out. Well with the computer went access to my blog. Finally my “geeks” have me back on track.
Now the Christmas music has me remembering, dear friends I have lost touch with and really miss. the school I taught at held a Christmas concert for the student band. Kids in 4th, through 8th grade. You could not believe how good they were. People would come as a favor to their friends and return year after year. The music teacher, Barry Weaver, was the band leader and he got those kids to play like pros. Really folks that had nothing to do with the school or parish would come to the Christmas and spring concerts for the sheer pleasure of the experience. I miss Barry, I miss my friends, I miss the kids, and I miss the concerts.