Side Trip

Just came back from COSTCO and once again amazed by the cupidity & stupidity of congress.  Ten years ago Quinine Sulfate  cost $.40 , then congress decided that a drug in use for 500 years was not properly tested. The result? ONE company was made the only one to make quinine sulfate for sale in the USA. The price went from $40 per 100 to over $550.72 per 90.  This drug is the only proven, consistently effective treatment for severe muscle cramps.  Hope you don’t get Malaria or you will be in a financial mess.

Another Doctor

Visited another M.D. today. we waited for an hour and were ready to leave when we were called. Dr, Berlin, or Mark as he prefers to be called was very through and proceeded to clearly explain everything. He answered every question fully and pointed out things that should have been told to us 2 years ago. That’s why he was an hour late. This is the way he is with all patients. M.D.s should  treat all patients that way. He hates that the staff crowds the schedule but a group practice always does this. This is a problem with group practices. I really like Dr. Mark he sets the bar.

Pool Opening

Pool was opened today, shock went in to clear the water. The pool company will be power vacuuming it  and salt will be added as needed. If the weather holds up we should have a B-B-Q on Memorial day weekend. Hope the weather is warm enough to get in the pool.