Fall’s here again

Seems too soon for the leaves to be tuning again. The summer that wasn’t has just passed and here we are facing winter again.  We have trimmed some trees so that the sun could get down to the grass but I really miss the masses of red oak leaves that are no more. Also, sadly, we had to cut down some mature oaks from the back as they were suffering from some sort of tree disease. Miss them too, but it’s better to cut them down than have them crash down and cause damage.

Our dear cousins from Oz is attending a medical conference in St. Louis in the next week. Wish we could meet them there, but too many things got in the way. They are real favorites of ours and Australia is so far away that St. Louis seem a good bet for a reunion. Wish things had worked out better.

The sun is trying to break through the clouds now. Hope it does. We are full up of cloudy rainy days. We need the sunlight a lot more than some rain right now.



More on family

I sometimes wonder what my mother would think of the house we live in. When we came to the mainland my mom had sold her small house to afford the airfare. We moved into a tenement apartment and lived there for 16 years. When My husband & I bought a house in Queens Mom & Dad lived with us. Together we raised our kids. It was not always easy but really rewarding. Four adults ( 2 generations) raising 4 kids works really well.  At least it did for us.

Now my son and lovely daughter-in-law are doing the same thing. Hope it works out half as well this time. However, the size of the houses are very different as well as the size of the property. You could fit 5 of our old house in the space of our property.  Not to mention the number of rooms and bathrooms in this house. My Mom would be so very proud of all 4 of her grandsons.  I know I am.

Which leads me to my grandparents. My grandmothers could not be more different. One was passive aggressive and outlived her husband. Not a mean feat for a woman who had 10 children in the early 20th century. The other was a strong willed woman who RULED her family, even as she was dying from T.B. She died a few months before I was born.

My grandfathers were also very different men. I only knew my mothers dad as my paternal grandfather died 6 months after I was born. However I have heard plenty about him. He was handsome, well read, and catnip to the ladies. My poor grandmother how she could put up with such a womanizer? I most likely would have killed him. I would get off IF I picked a jury of wronged husbands.  He was sad he didn’t get to name me Marina. A name from one of his favorite books-War & Peace. My grandma said nonsense! That was the name of his Russian girlfriend  in San Juan. Who knows? We can’t ask at this late date.

My dad was really close to him as they went together on my Abuelo Luis’ job. He was an inspector of public works until he became ill. He then would read poetry to the ladies who worked in the tobacco factory in our town. This made a bit of money to supplement his state pension. It also gave him the company of much younger women.  No, not for that, for the delight in their company. He really liked women as persons. I guess that was the secret to his success with them.

My Mom’s dad was very different. He was married 3 times, and faithful to each wife. I had an uncle who I only knew in pictures. A dead ringer for my abuelo. My aunt Ileana is 3 years younger than I am and we get along great.  Cesario was a poet and racontour loved to have poetry competitions with his friends over a few drinks.  As he grew older he kind of became every kids grandpop. Evey kid in the town knew him and liked him. Whenever we met it was hugs and kises all around. I was his first grandchild and that was special to him. I just wish we saw each other more often.

It didn’t hurt that my mom was the only one of his children to stand up to him. She would argue with him to see who would give in first. Lord only knows who would win.  There are too many tales of those two arguing about this or that to sort it out, but they loved to argue with each other. Interestingly enough Mom was meek as a lamb with her mother. That must have been one strong woman.


I like Mocking birds their song is lovely and they are fun to watch. That said I am really ticked at the ones on our property. It’s O.K. for them to hassle each other, as two maniacs do all day long, but when they chase cardinals and purple finches away they have gone too far! Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done with these avian paranoids.

On a different but equally annoying subject, the rabbits are winning. My daughter-in-law has planted a veggie garden with corn, tomatoes, and sunflowers. The sunflowers were for Tommy who really likes them. Last year the bunnies ate well but we didn’t. This year we fenced the veggie patch. The rabbits bit through the fence. Three times.

No mater that we check it regularly they still bit holes in the plastic fence. They are neater than some people in their cuts. Perfect rectangles no messy tears or wobbly lines. They have eaten all the sun flowers and two of the tomatoes, now they have started on the corn. Next year the fence will be made of metal, no more nice guys!

Too Darn wet

This has been the wettest June in NY since the weather bureau started to keep records of the weather. I keep thinking about the deforestation of the rain forests. It changes the pattern of the principal air currents and causes all sorts of unpredictable variations in weather and climate. Enough already, I want sun and warm weather. This is June for goodness sakes

Any way, the birds are doing their best to cheer me up. So far we have seen purple finches, cardinals, blue jays, mockingbirds,crows, redtailed hawks and even one lovely meadow lark.  The purple finch is red not purple. They look like and  are about the size of a large sparow with red heads, necks, and backs. A family has taken residence near our bedroom window and wake me every day. I love the purple finch, it sings me awake every day. The song is lovely and it is sung just around the time we wake up anyway.

Next week is the last week of school that means lots more time with the grandkids. Love it.


This is  to be the week that relatives are in my mind. Got a call from my cousin yesterday, she and her sister are planning a birthday party for my uncle Ruben. He will be 80 years old in August.  Two years ago the lot of us Rivera s ( my mom’s family name) were in Chicago for Titi Cheya’s 90 birthday.  Now it’s Tio Ruben’s turn to be surprised. Family from all over the US & P.R. will be coming, there are a lot of us. My grand father had 4 daughters and 5 sons so there are a lot of cousins.

This now has me thinking of my mom’s  sister Ana. She was a school teacher and librarian in our home town school. I would stay with her when I visited Naranjito.  All my boys met her and loved her. She was the “wacky” sister. Not really, its just she took life light heartedly. She laughed often and loudly, but when you needed advice on ANYTHING she was the one to go to. Down to earth  and sensible, even wise.

When she was ill we were lucky enough to visit her while she was still home and up and about.  It was tough when she died and that visit to my home town was the saddest I’ve ever taken. Haven’t been back since. I miss you Titi Ana

Well it’s been some months since I have written anything but there have been a few things keeping me busy. So, now we begin again.

Lately I have had my great aunt on my mind. Pepita was my dad’s aunt. Unusual for Puerto Rican women in the 30’s she was a professional (teacher) when well brought up  upper class women  did nothing but get married and raise kids. She never married and kept her farms running and earned her own way as a teacher until her retirement. She even bought some farms from my grandfather, her brother, when the properties were in danger of going out of the family’s hands.

My Dad admired her and I adored her.  Even though we met only when she visited N.Y. or I was back in our home town of Naranjito.   She was way ahead of her time, proud, independent , and self reliant. She was the only person I ever met that had her own pre-dieu  in her house. Very devout.

As most Morales were,  she was a great card player. I mean she could have been a pro. I never played poker with her but I did make the mistake of playing bridge with her, her companion, and my Aunt Zoraida. Lord in heaven the woman knew who had what card after the first bid.  I prayed to be the dummy and God heard me. I was able to escape with my self respect intact. Of course the dummy doesn’t do anything but lay out their cards.

They played  for pennies and she managed to donate $300 to $400 to the parish every year from her winnings.  Now  remember she played against her niece who was a really good card player. All the Morales relatives were good at cards.  My uncle Jorge  made his living that way. Really, he was a bartender at a San Juan  hotel but made more money in card games. American tourists were a real revenue stream for him. I really miss him as well. Always funny, and with a smile that hid a really pessimistic world view. Another Morales characteristic.

Well that’s all for now, I hope to be better at this from now on.

Bird Song

For the last few months there have been no sounds of birds when I go get our newspapers. It was cold, usually cloudy, and nasty. It was also very quiet. Last week I heard a bird call, just one repeated a few times. Now that the weather has gotten warmer the birds are talking to each other. Getting the newspaper is now acompanied by chirps and cheeps and songs. What a delightful change.

Last week Trader Joe’s had dafodils from Ireland on sale. I bought 3 buches of budding flowers and over the next 3 days they opened up. Sunlight in a vase! The foyer was transformed and my mid-winter blues went away. Strange how 15 flowers can change my mood.

Went to the Bronx Zoo yesterday. Lily and the kids were delighted in the different animals we saw. Lily especially liked the Scarlet Ibis in the aviary. Tommy liked the Bald Eagles and the chinchillas. I’m not sure what Katherine liked. For myself I loved the Golden Eagles and the Snow Leopards. Tommy loved the snow leopards as well. So what does it say about me that I found the predatory animals so much more attractive than the others? Is it a reflection of some inner nature or just that I like the sleek looks of the predators more?  Who knows and who cares!

Along those lines I must say that there is little to compare to the beauty of a hawks’ strike on it’s prey. I know that a soft little creature is killed. So what? Is PETA going to say that hawks are bad? Maybe. again who cares? A hawk is beautiful and that all I need to know. There is a circle of life and death is part of it.  Live with it.  I do.

Wow,  I realized that I started with  finding  comfort in the sweet songs of birds and ended with a paean to a hawk’s strike . Oh well,that’s me.


Snow, more snow. Now I like snow as much as the next person but really is this much necesary? Last week Leo decided that walking behind the snow blower would not tax him much. It took three days for him to recover as he forgot that we have a really long, wide, and steep driveway. That will not be repeated.

I do feel sorry for Jan & Lily as the snow removal falls on them. They use the blower and then shovel down to the pavement. At that point we start to pray that no more snow or, the Lord forbid, freezing rain will fall. The salt is being used at a fast rate this year as well. Not good for the plants or pavement.


What is more frustrating than losing something you like? About a year ago we had a barbecue and I made this lovely steak. Marinaded and quickly broiled it was wonderful.  Various factors kept me from making it again until this week. Pathmark had a special on sirloin steak that was too good to pass up.  I mean2.5 lbs of sirloin for $7! Since I cook for Leo the kids & myself this was  enough for 4 meals. Last week I just pan broiled it but this week I wanted to be different. Hah!

Nowhere could I find the recipe, not in my folder, not in any of my cookbooks, nowhere. Some of the ingredients I could remember but not the amounts. The Internet to the rescue. The recipe was still on the Food Network  web site. It only took a 15 minute search. Two copies are now in my folder one will always stay there. This will not happen again, at least with this recipe.


Well I have three new books to play with.  Two are on Ancient Egypt and one is on the Aztecs and Maya. These will go nicely with the few books I have on the Pre-Colombian Mesoamerican cultures. It’s hard to get books that are written for the dedicated amateur. If you are a professional there are books, if your a “New Age” kook there are books, but not many for people like me who are genuinely interested but don’t have the resources to be archaeologists.

Amateurs interested in Egypt are well served,  so I have quite a collection. The latest ones are an encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt and is pretty good. The other is on Egyptian Art, architecture in all its forms and the decorative arts.   It is very well organized and the illustrations are lovely and clear. My family knows to wait until I look up before they talk to me. Like my Dad did, I get totally lost in a good book.

Happy New Year to all!